Deployment Parameters
Learn the definition of deployment parameters.
This article lists the definitions of parameters used in the CloudFormation stack step 2. We recommend to consult with end users of Code Ocean for parameters in Worker Configuration to optimize the user experience.
Domain Configuration
DNS Name - Code Ocean application subdomain (e.g.
)DNS Root Domain - Root domain name (e.g.
)Existing Route 53 Hosted Zone ID - (Optional) Add Code Ocean DNS records to an existing Route 53 hosted zone. The hosted zone must reside in the same AWS account to which Code Ocean is deployed to.
TLS Certificate Configuration
Existing ACM Certificate ARN - (Optional) Existing ACM certificate ARN
Private Certificate Authority - Change to
if the above certificate is signed by a private certificate authority (CA)
VPC Configuration (Should be specified only in the case of using existing VPC)
VPC ID - Existing VPC ID. If not specified, a VPC will be created.
Availability Zone 1 - Availability Zone 1 for the existing VPC
Availability Zone 2 - Availability Zone 2 for the existing VPC
Private Subnet 1 ID - Subnet ID for private subnet 1 located in Availability Zone 1 in Existing VPC
Private Subnet 2 ID - Subnet ID for private subnet 2 located in Availability Zone 2 in Existing VPC
Public Subnet 1 ID - Subnet ID for public subnet 1 located in Availability Zone 1 in Existing VPC
Public Subnet 2 ID - Subnet ID for public subnet 2 located in Availability Zone 2 in Existing VPC
The existing VPC should be configured with a VPC gateway endpoint for S3 to avoid routing S3 data through an internet path which can incur significant charges.
VPC Configuration (For new VPC deployments)
Availability Zone 1 - Availability Zone 1 for the new VPC
Availability Zone 2 - Availability Zone 2 for the new VPC
VPC CIDR - CIDR block for the VPC. Default value
Private Subnet 1 CIDR - CIDR block for private subnet 1 located in Availability Zone 1. Default value
Private Subnet 2 CIDR - CIDR block for private subnet 2 located in Availability Zone 2. Default value
Public Subnet 1 CIDR - CIDR block for public subnet 1 located in Availability Zone 1. Default value
Public Subnet 2 CIDR - CIDR block for public subnet 2 located in Availability Zone 2. Default value
Deployment Type Configuration
Deployment Type - Choose "internet-facing" to make the deployment internet addressable (default) or choose "internal" to require a VPN to connect
Worker Configuration
Worker EC2 Instance Type - EC2 instance type for general purpose workers. Instance type must be from the
family. Default valuer5d.4xlarge
Workers Auto Scale Group Max Size - Maximum number of running worker instances. Default value
Min Available Workers - Minimum number of worker instances the system keeps in its auto scaling warm pool that are ready to receive computations. Default value
GPU Worker EC2 Instance Type - EC2 instance type for GPU Workers. Instance type must be from the P or G family (i.e p2.*/p3.*/ g4dn.*/g4ad.*). Default value
Note that not all instance types are available in every region, and you might need to replace the default value.GPU Workers Auto Scale Group Max Size - Maximum number of running GPU worker instances. Default value
Min Available GPU Workers - Minimum number of GPU worker instances the system keeps in its auto scaling warm pool that are ready to receive computations. Default value
Auto Scaling Idle Timeout - Number of minutes before system scales-in idle workers. Default value
IAM Configuration
Assumable Roles - Comma delimited list of IAM role ARNs that the system can assume on behalf of users.
Pipelines Configuration
Batch Max vCpus - Maximum number of vCPUs that can be used by all batch instances. Default value
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