Remove Code Ocean
Learn to uninstall Code Ocean.
Last updated
Learn to uninstall Code Ocean.
Last updated
To uninstall Code Ocean, you need to first stop all running workers. Then you need to make sure there are no snapshots in the AWS backup vault, and all AWS S3 buckets are empty. Lastly, deleting the CloudFormation stack will completely uninstall Code Ocean.
Before you start to delete your Code Ocean application stack, you need to make sure there are no computations running, to ensure a smooth deletion.
Using AWS Session Manager, connect to Code Ocean services instance :
Run the following command to stop computations :
Wait until all computations complete by waiting until the following CloudWatch metric reaches 0: CloudWatch > Metrics > CodeOcean > AutoScalingGroupName > SlotsUtilization
The stack deletion waits for existing running workers to terminate before continuing. If you verified that there are no running computations in the previous step, you can safely remove the scale in protection from the workers in the auto scaling group to complete the deletion quicker.
In the AWS EC2 console go to EC2 > Auto Scaling Groups > workers-[id]-asg > Instance Management
, then select all instances and click Actions > Remove scale-in protection
The vault defined for the Code Ocean deployment is keeping daily snapshots of the EBS volume for 2 weeks. Before you can delete your stack please make sure to delete all 14 snapshots in the vault to assure a successful deletion of your stack.
Some of the work you did on Code Ocean platform was saved on S3 buckets. To assure a successful deletion of your stack please make sure to empty those buckets prior to stack deletion or your stack deletion will fail to complete.
The buckets are all named using stack name as a prefix. (e.g acmecorp-s3accesslogsbucket
Go to the CloudFormation service and click on Stack. Select the stack name "codeocean".
After the stack is deleted, you can refresh the page to confirm.