ACM Certificate Renewal

Learn how to renew Email validated SSL Certificate.


ACM Email validated certificates are valid for 13 months (395 days). To be renewed, email-validated certificates require action by the domain owner.

Managed renewal is fully automated for ACM certificates that were originally issued using DNS validation.

ACM begins sending renewal notices 45 days before expiration, using the domain's WHOIS mailbox addresses and to five common administrator addresses.

The notifications contain a link that the domain owner can click for easy renewal.‌


Renew Email

AWS sends an Email requesting to renew the ACM Certificate, to validate the renewal, simply click on the link "Amazon Certificate Approvals".

Email validation request example

After the certificate is renewed, you will receive a confirmation email from AWS.

Resending Email Validation Request

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the ACM console at

  2. In the list of certificates, choose the Certificate ID of the certificate you want to validate. This action opens a details page.

3. In the Domains section, choose Resend validation email, select each of the domains requiring validation, and then choose Resend. The Successfully resent validation emails banner should appear.

Last updated