Importing a Capsule from a Git Provider

Create a new Capsule by copying an existing git repository with a URL.

Copy from Public Git

In Code Ocean, a Capsule can be created by copying an existing git repository.

  1. Click + on the Sidebar.

  2. Click Copy from public Git

  3. Enter the URL of the git repository

If the git repository has folders with the same names as the default folders in the Capsule, the files will be placed in those folders. Additional files or folders will be imported into the Other Files section.

The Starter Environment must be specified before the Capsule can be run.

This will copy the files from a Git Provider (for example, GitHub), but no link will be maintained between the two. If the git repository or Capsule changes, those changes will not be reflected in the other.

Clone from Private Git

In Code Ocean, a Capsule can be created by cloning an existing git repository in your organization's account. This will keep a link to the GitHub repository. For more information, see the Git Provider Integration Guide.

Last updated