Pipeline Settings

The Pipeline Settings menu provides several options to customize how the pipeline runs.

The following settings options are described in this guide:

Open the Pipeline Settings menu by clicking the gear icon in the top right of your pipeline.

Instance Type

Users can choose to run the pipeline using entirely on demand or spot instances. The default setting is on demand, but users can select spot instances to save cost on compute resources.

Run with Cache

This option allows users to decide whether or not the pipeline should run using cached data from a previous run. By default, the pipeline runs with cache, which automatically resumes the run at the first step in the pipeline where a change has been made.

If users select "Run without cache," the pipeline will restart from the beginning. However, cached data can still be used for an individual run by selecting "Resume Run" in the dropdown menu of a result in the timeline.

For example, if the Map Paths menu between FastQC and MultiQC has been changed but the inputs and outputs of FastQC have not changed, users can resume the run and the pipeline will start at the MultiQC capsule using the cached output of FastQC. The timeline report of the resumed run is shown below.

Note that resuming the most recent run is equivalent to a Reproducible Run when "Run with cache from the previous run" is selected.

Select AWS IAM Role

Pipelines run with a default IAM role. If external data assets are used, users must select another role with permissions to access AWS batch and the external data. Admins must define these roles in AWS and provide access through an Identity Provider.

External data assets cannot be used in a pipeline without selecting an IAM role.

Debugging Options

Unchecking the "Verbose log" box will hide the terminal output of each process.

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