Sharing Compute Capsules

About Sharing a Compute Capsule

Sharing a capsule means that others can continue working from what you’ve developed—either in the same capsule or in a duplicate capsule. Sharing a capsule saves time, steps don’t have to be repeated.

You can set capsule permissions to collaborate with users and groups within your organization. Only authorized users can view/duplicate, or edit your capsule. Shared capsules are updated in near real-time on any changes made in the capsule.

It is best practice to utilize Group sharing to ensure that new users will have all relevant Capsules, Data, and Pipelines available to them when they join, and that there will be no lost assets when team members leave.

Reach out to your Admin to configure Groups through your IdP.

You can share a capsule with secrets/credentials just like any other capsule. To learn more about setting up secrets in Code Ocean, refer to the Secret Management Guide.

Navigate to Running a capsule with Required Secrets to learn how to run a shared capsule with a secret.

Managing Permissions for Sharing a Capsule

Types of Permissions

The three types of permission for a compute capsule are: Owner, Editor, and Viewer.

Set Permissions

Add Collaborators to the Capsule Permissions

  1. Click Share at the top right corner of the capsule. A permissions setting form opens.

  2. Type the name of the collaborator to invite or select the name from the drop-down menu. If groups are set up in your organization, they will also appear in the drop-down menu.

  3. Click Add to add the collaborator. The system adds the user to the capsule permissions list. The permission is set as Viewer by default.

  4. To change a user's permissions or remove a user, click Viewer next to the user, and choose the relevant option.

  5. Click Save to close the capsule permissions setting form.

You can add more than one collaborator by repeating steps 2-3 before Saving.

To make a capsule visible to all internal users, check the Share with everyone checkbox.

The collaborator in the capsule permission list will receive an email notification about the shared capsule.

If you type in an external email address, the system will ask you if you want to send an invite to an external collaborator after clicking on the Save button.

Modify/Remove Collaborators from the Capsule Permissions

  1. Click Share at the top right corner of the capsule. A permissions settings form opens.

  2. Navigate to the collaborator you want to modify.

  3. To change a user's permissions or remove a user, click on the drop-down menu next to the user, and select the relevant option.

  4. Click Save to close the capsule permissions setting form.

Working on a Shared Capsule

View Mode

When you add a collaborator with the permission to view the capsule, the collaborator can view all the folders and files from the capsule IDE, download individual files, export, and duplicate the capsule.

Anyone with View Access can attach secrets to the capsule that is shared with them

Edit Mode

When you share a capsule with the edit permission, the collaborator can change any file's content and execute code in a capsule. Only one user can edit the shared capsule at any given time. All collaborators can view the same capsule simultaneously. When a collaborator is editing the capsule, all others will see the capsule in the view-only mode indicated by a message on top of the center section of the capsule IDE and the deactivated buttons in the right Timeline section.

Click Start editing to begin editing above the Editor in the center. If a collaborator's name appears in the message, they are forced into the read-only mode after your click.

Before you decide to edit the capsule when a collaborator appears to be editing, it is strongly recommended that you communicate with your collaborator in advance, so they don't lose their work.

When you're done, click Finish editing.

Last updated