MATLAB: Additional Settings

MATLAB requires a user license purchased from MathWorks and a MATLAB base image in Code Ocean. Contact your admin to deploy the MATLAB base image if it is not available. You can use MATLAB in batch mode via Reproducible Run, or MATLAB Web Desktop via Cloud Workstation.

Choose MATLAB as your starter environment to use MATLAB. Using MATLAB in Reproducible Run requires MATLAB credentials in your account. Using MATLAB Web Desktop via Cloud Workstation requires you to type your credentials every time you launch a Cloud Workstation session.

Adding MathWorks Credentials

As mentioned above, you need to have a MATLAB credential set up in your account to use MATLAB via Reproducible Run.

1. Click the Account icon.

2. From the Credentials screen, click +Add Credentials and select MathWorks Credentials.

3. Provide your MATLAB Username and Password

If you try to run your MATLAB code without having the credentials set up, you will get a "License checkout failed" error.

Using MATLAB Web Desktop via Cloud Workstation

When using MATLAB Web Desktop in a Cloud Workstation, authenticate yourself by using the credentials from your MATLAB license in a pop-up message.

Enter User Email and Password:

The system will attempt to establish the connection and the status information.

Once connected, you will enter the MATLAB Wed Desktop IDE. Here, you can use the control tab to control MATLAB sessions.

Congratulations, enjoy the native MATLAB Web Desktop experience in Code Ocean!

Last updated