File Tree System

The File tab on the toolbar on the left opens the Files panel. Core Files includes the /metadata, /pipeline, and /data folders. Results includes the /results folder, and additional files are organized under Other Files.‌



Store information about the Pipeline, like the pipeline name, research field, description, author, and tags.



Store the nextflow code depicted in the Pipeline editor that is run during a Reproducible Run.


Store data attached to any Capsule in the Pipeline.

internal or external attached Data Assets, local data files


Store the results from any Capsule attached to the Results Bucket.

Results from the most recent run of the Pipeline

Icons next to the files and folders in the File Tree System will be green if all changes are tracked by git, yellow if new changes are not tracked by git, and gray if they are ignored by git.

Size Limitation

The limitation of the Pipeline workspace is 5GB. This includes contents of the /metadata and /pipeline folders, and local files in the /data folder.