Build Log

The Build Log is generated by the system whenever it builds the environment, whether the build is successful or has failed, and is especially helpful for troubleshooting environment build errors and issues. It will appear under the /results folder as the buildLog file once the run is complete. If the run is conducted in the Cloud Workstation, the Build Log will be shown as a link in the Timeline.

The Build Log contains a sequential record of all the Docker commands and outputs from the entire environment build. Below is a screenshot highlighting some of the steps from an example environment to demonstrate how the Build Log records the process.

For example, Step 1 is always to pull the Base Image with the Docker command "FROM". As you can see below, the Build Log will print out the Docker command and the results of the command execution.

If the Capsule's environment has remained unchanged since the last time it was built, and the Capsule has been used recently, the Environment will not be built again and therefore no Build Log will be generated.

Environment Build Errors

It is possible for the environment build to be successful but the package is not found during runtime. This mainly occurs when an R package doesn't return a non-zero error. This results in the environment building, but some packages are not installed. In this case, the package's version will still be "latest" since it never gets installed. For example, if you choose an R base image and add 'nloptr' to R(CRAN), the environment will run, but the 'nloptr' package is not installed and no version gets pinned.

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