Release Notes 2.13 (July 2023)


You can now make Data Assets and Release Capsules/Pipelines "Discoverable" to the entire organization or to groups of users. This access class allows the specified users to find the Capsule, Pipeline, or Data Asset in searches, view its metadata, and see the name and email address of the owner so users can easily request additional access.

Mamba Package Manager in Environment Editor

Mamba is a re-implementation of Conda in C++ which is designed to be faster and backwards compatible while maintaining the same command-line options. If the Starter Environment selected for a Capsule contains Mamba, the Mamba Package Manager will automatically appear in the Environment Editor.

Note: If a Starter Environment with Mamba has been deployed prior to v2.13, an Admin will need to Remap the Environment for the Mamba Package Manager to appear in the Environment Editor. To do this, navigate to the Starter Environments tab of the Admin Panel, click Actions on the appropriate Base Image, and select Map Environment.

Absolute Paths in Pipelines

Capsules using absolute paths to reference the data, scratch, and/or results folders can now be used in a Pipeline without modification.

  • For example, the following shell script which saves a list of all the files in the data folder as a text file in the results folder can now be used in a Pipeline, whereas previously Capsule code using absolute paths would have caused errors in a Pipeline.

Clone Pipeline from Private Git

You can now create a new Pipeline by cloning from your organization's Private Git account, allowing you to take full advantage of Code Ocean's Git Sync feature to ensure your Code Ocean Pipeline and the associated Git repo stay in sync.

Additional Functionality for Admins

Extend A User's Ownership to Other Users

As an Admin, you can extend a user's ownership of Capsules, Pipelines, and Data Assets to other users all at once. From the User Management tab of the Admin Panel, click Actions next to a user and select Extend Ownership.

Simplified Data Asset Dashboard View

Admins will now only see the Data Assets they own or which have been shared with them in their Data Asset Dashboard. Note: Admins can still see all Data Assets in their Code Ocean deployment from the Admin Panel.

Code Ocean License

Licenses allow Code Ocean to verify the integrity of your deployment's analytics and provide a customized experience.

As an Admin, once you've upgraded your deployment to v2.13, you'll notice an indicator that a license must be attached. For the time being, you can continue working even when seeing this indicator—a Customer Success team member will be in contact with you to add your license to your deployment.

Last updated