Releasing an App Panel Capsule

Release Functionality

There are two modes for a Capsule with an App Panel that can be released. This can be seen and set under the Release Functionality section. This determines the view and accessibility for when the Release Capsule is accessed. Preview enables a view of each option.

  • Standard Capsule release:

    this allows other users to switch to the File Tree tab and access the original scripts and other files.

  • No-Code App release:

    other users can only see the App Panel in this mode, not files that compose the Capsule.

All owners of the Capsule will be able to set the release functionality.

You can click on the Preview to see what it looks like publishing in No-Code App:

Capsules released as No-Code App, cannot be duplicated and will appear with an Open No-Code App link on the Internal Releases page.