Executing an App Panel Capsule

Running Capsule with Parameters is straightforward. First replace Data Assets, then set parameters, then press Run.

Replacing Default Data Assets

Here is the field for you to add Data Asset to the Capsule for the run. The description is set by the author who built the App Panel with default Data Assets.

You can click on Replace Data to add your own Data Asset

Bulk Delete Uploaded Files

In the data field, all uploaded files will appear in a dropdown list. to remove these files, select Remove uploaded files.

Fill in Parameters and Run the Capsule

Set each parameter or use the defaults. When running an App Panel Capsule in the App Panel released mode, the Run button will appear in the App Panel side panel.

When running an App Panel Capsule in the Standard Capsule mode, the Reproducible Run on the top right will become Run with Parameters indicating the run will use the parameters assigned from the App Panel.