File Navigation/App Builder Panel

File Navigation

The Files tab on the toolbar to the left opens the Files panel. Under Core Files, metadata, environment, code, and data folders, as well as a .gitignore file are organized. Under Research Data Drive is the scratch folder, and under Results is the result folder. Any additional files are organized under Other Files.‌

File Tree System Contents



Capsule's metadata



Capsule's environment files

Dockerfile, postInstall script, environment.yml


Code and related files

Source files


Input data required by Reproducible Runs. May optionally contain small intermediate data

Small data files and attached datasets


Output files generated by the most recent Reproducible Run

Result files

Scratch (Cloud Workstation)

Large Intermediate data that are NOT required by Reproducible Runs

Large data files

Scratch (Reproducible Run)

Large Intermediate data that are generated during Reproducible Runs

Large data files

Cloud Workstation Root File System

Package installations, IDE preferences, temporary files, etc.

The whole file system except the Capsule workspace, and those mounted folders

Managing Capsule Size

The Capsule Usage Information Box can be accessed at the bottom of the File Navigation Panel and used to view your current Capsule space usage. It displays:

  • Total usage - broken down by:

    • Attached Data

    • Scratch

    • Results

    • Workspace

      • Code

      • Data

      • Environment

      • Metadata

      • Other files

The limitation for total Capsule size is 5 GB. This can be broken down by folder:

FolderCounted in Workspace LimitComments





Attached Data Assets are mounted and not counted toward the Capsule's size limit


Results is mounted and not counted toward the Capsule's size limit

Scratch (CW) Scratch (RR)

Scratch is mounted and not counted toward the Capsule's size limit

CW Root FS

5GB limit, including existing Capsule environment installations

To reduce storage costs in your Capsule, is understanding the storage location of your files and how long they will remain there. The breakdown is as follows:



EBS (local storage)

Capsule lifetime


EBS (local storage)

Capsule lifetime


EBS (local storage)

Capsule lifetime


Local data: EBS

Internal data Asset: mounted from EFS

External data Asset: mounted from S3

Local data: Capsule lifetime

Data Assets: has its own lifetime


During computation: EBS

When the computation finished, upload to S3

Capsule lifetime unless explicitly deleted from the timeline

Scratch (RR)

Mounted from EFS

Duration of the Reprodicible Run

Scratch (CW)

Mounted from EFS

Capsule lifetime

CW Root FS

EBS (local storage)

Cloud Workstation session

S3, EBS and EFS refer to the types of Amazon Cloud Storage that are possible:

App Builder

The can be navigated to via the side tab. It enables researchers to interact with Capsules without directly interacting with the code. With key user-input parameters, you can use the App Panel to generate results.

For detailed instructions on how to create and interact with the App Builder, refer to the App Panel Guide.