
TitleDescriptionInput Data

Wally visualizations

This Capsule creates a genomic alignment plot of reads in a specified region mapped to a reference. The visualization of genomic alignments was heavily inspired by IGV, and customized to visualize structural variation and CNVs.

  • Genome .fasta reference and .fai file

  • .bam files

Samplot Visualization (from coordinates)

a command line tool for rapid, multi-sample structural variant visualization

  • compare sheet

  • .bam files

Dose response

This Capsule produces dose response curves that describe the magnitude of the response as a function of exposure (dose) to a condition after a certain exposure time.

  • .csv file containing gene expression and treatment dosage (see README for details)


This Capsule performs differential gene expression analysis with potential input types: 1. Transcript abundance; 2. Counts data; 3. HTseq-counts data; 4. Summarized experiment in RDS format.

  • Input varies depending on the source (i.e., Seurat vs RSEM) see README for details.

Mol* Viewer for PDB Files

This Capsule allows you to view PDB files interactively on a Streamlit cloud workstation using the Mol* 3D Viewer.

  • Protein structure files in .pdb format

TensorBoard GPU

View model experiment metrics like loss and accuracy, visualizing the model graph, project embeddings to a lower dimensional space and more. This capsule shows an example from the Tensorboard website.

This capsule runs on GPU instances and comes preloaded with Tensorflow.

  • None

RShiny Cell

ShinyCell is an R package that allows users to create interactive Shiny-based web applications to visualize single-cell data.

  • Single cell .rds inputs from Seurat (see README)

1-3. Single Cell Analysis Tutorial (Scanpy & Seurat)

Tutorials to describe working with Single Cell data for Scanpy and Seurat:

1. Preprocessing and clustering 3k PBMCs

2. Core Plotting Functions

3. How to preprocess UMI count data with analytic Pearson residuals

  • Tutorial datasets (see README for details)

5-6. Single Cell Analysis Tutorial (Scanpy)

Tutorials demonstrating how to regress cell cycle effect and how to simulate data using a literature-curated boolean gene regulatory network.

  • Tutorial datasets (see README for details)

7-10. Single Cell Analysis Tutorial (Scanpy) Advanced

Tutorials for advanced Single Cell processing.

  • Tutorial datasets (see README for details)

MLflow Orchestrator Capsule

This is a central MLflow "Orchestrator" capsule that can be used to interactively view the results from multiple machine learning capsules using the same MLflow database.

  • None